A b o u t U s

In the picturesque Tuscan countryside among cypress trees, vineyards, and olive trees, “I Natali” live. This was how the family of grandfather Giuseppe and great-grandfather Francesco was called, even further back to Natale, the ancestor who gave rise to a sort of toponym that in the Arezzo countryside identified the Lisi family of Tregozzano (actually “the relatives of Natale”).
A family of farmers who have produced wine, oil and vegetables for many generations, with care and love for nature and the fruits of the earth and have always offered genuine and excellent quality products.
H o w I t A l l B e g a n

O u r R e w a r d s
R e v i e w s
T h e C o m p a n y o v e r T i m e

Our Origins
The Natali family produces wine, oil, and vegetables.
Chianina Meat
“I Natali” successfully raise Chianina cattle, becoming a reference point for the local butcher shops.

New Generations
The passion for the countryside, the desire to rediscover the values and flavors of a peasant tradition drive Eleonora to follow the example of her grandparents and to revalue and appreciate, despite her young age, her family history.
Eleonora, together with her uncles Giuliana and Roberto, wanted to give a new imprint and new impetus to the family farm. She focused on tradition, while simultaneously seeking cutting-edge products and production models, in short, driving significant innovation.

Natural Vinegar
This is how, from grapes, the family created a new product, a challenge of superior quality, something truly unique.
The idea of making a natural vinegar with balsamic characteristics, capable of enhancing the aromas and flavors of the grapes and wines of the Chianti hills, seemed immediately successful and perfectly in line with the family’s background.
The Tradition Continues
Today, “Natale” would be proud of the commitment and results of his descendants!

A 1 0 0 % N a t u r a l P r o d u c t

Sangiovese Grapes with short bunches are handpicked from the vineyards in the Chianti region at the right state of ripeness, healthy and free of defects, in order to preserve their integrity and enhance the characteristics and peculiarities of sugars and natural acids present.
The vinification and fermentations, essential for obtaining quality vinegar, are constantly monitored and managed naturally. With the aim of achieving a high-quality product, no additives or preservatives of any kind are used.

Sangiovese Grapes with short bunches are handpicked from the vineyards in the Chianti region at the right state of ripeness, healthy and free of defects, in order to preserve their integrity and enhance the characteristics and peculiarities of sugars and natural acids present.
The vinification and fermentations, essential for obtaining quality vinegar, are constantly monitored and managed naturally. With the aim of achieving a high-quality product, no additives or preservatives of any kind are used.